Wednesday, May 9, 2007

tastes like it smells

i took a bite out of a low fat brownie bar and wrinkled my nose (by the way, according to some body language experts, only women wrinkle their noses as a sign of disgust) and declared, "this tastes like SHIT."

i probably shouldn't have said that bc the little girl next to me on the subway said, "how do YOU know what shit tastes like?" kids these days.

i felt like recounting a story to her, but it wouldn't have been appropriate. so i'll write it in my blog. it goes like this:

i was around 7 yrs old & at a church potluck. it was one of those korean extravaganzas at ski beach, san diego. in addition to the actual bbq and the rice, all the families make and bring different "ban chan" or side dishes. i.e. family x and y and z all bring the spinach. and that group over there brings the kim chee. etc etc. then it's all compiled and it's fun and we eat.

i took a bite out of the spinach and chewed and chewed and chewed and the damn thing just wasn't dissolving. i DISTINCTLY remember thinking...i taste something familiar...i just don't know what. i spit out the spinach and there in my little grubby hand was a band aid. really gross i know. BUT. that was the first time i realized that things really DO taste like they smell.

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