Friday, July 31, 2009

Toe Jam

I was in Boston yesterday. Until recently, my list of Why I Love Boston were negated by a list of equal length of Why I Don't Always Love Boston, netting me neutral on the city. After what happened to me yesterday, why IDALB is winning by a nose.

It was 1:51 pm and I was frantically looking around for a cab to take me to Logan Airport to catch a 2:30 flight. There was none to be found. And I wasn't alone; there was a pack of us roaming around Congress Street trying to flag a cab. As the minutes sped by and my competition increased, I knew I had to take action. I exchanged my high heels for my black flats and broke out in a wind sprint down the cobblestone streets around Faneuil Hall. In less than 3 seconds, I somehow simultaneously kicked off BOTH shoes in OPPOSITE directions, rendering me barefoot and sprinting for a good 5 lopes before I put my Flintstone breaks on and screeched to a grinding halt. The ring toe* on my left foot took the brunt of the trauma but I paid no attention because I was too aware of the people pointing and laughing at the stressed out Asian girl running barefoot. I'm sure the veterans who had been warily eyeing me earlier were immediately brought back to Hiroshima, circa August 6, 1945.

Anyhoo. I picked up my shoes (they were at least 15 feet apart from each other, with me as the Epicenter of Trouble) and lo and behold! A CAB! I hopped in the cab and made it on my flight. I, unfortunately, sat behind two Finance guys who talked the entire time of why "Hamachi" was better than "Yellowtail". I was thiiiiiiiise close to tapping them on their shoulders and saying, "Listen Turdface, Hamachi and Yellowtail are THE SAME THING". But I didn't. Because I was reading SkyMall. CHECK THIS OUT!

It's a little microwave for YOUR CAR! It plugs into the CIGARETTE LIGHTER! Oh, SkyMall! You never fail me.

Anyway, the point of my story is that I think I broke my toe. It's running a fever and the nail is turning black.

*no,i would NEVER EVER wear a ring on my toe. and if you thought this even for a second, you are dead to me.