Friday, September 18, 2009

her ana is like, dead

irenejkim77: look at this picture of suri. i'm dying of cuteness overload.,,20273213,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

bff@work: what a cutie patootie! i hear katie wants to leave tom
bff@work: do u think that's tru?
irenejkim77: omg. i don't now.
irenejkim77: know.
irenejkim77: i hope not. for suri's sake
bff@work: do u think tori is ana?
irenejkim77: of COURSE she is. spelling?
irenejkim77: tori spelling? bobble head?
bff@work: i kind of think she isn't
irenejkim77: WHAT?!??!??!????!????
bff@work: shes just like, at a skinny point in her life
irenejkim77: are you blind, woman?
irenejkim77: she's def ana !!!!!
bff@work: no, i get that she's too skinny
bff@work: but is she literally starving herself or is it unintentional?
irenejkim77: uh, literally starvinv herself.
irenejkim77: (like i can't blf you can't tell )
bff@work: no i can tell she is not eating enough food
bff@work: i'm wondering about her mental state behind it. like "i can't eat, i'm not thin enough blah blah"
bff@work: or what she says "i'm running around crazy and haven't really been eating properly, i get that i'm too thin"
irenejkim77: tori has SAID that she feels pressure to be thin.
irenejkim77: post pregnancy.
irenejkim77: i think everyone is ana in h-wood who looks too thin.
bff@work: we see a lot of these hollywood types get bobble headed after baby
irenejkim77: except that their standards are all reset...
bff@work: i would prolly be ana too
irenejkim77: so they think they're not.
irenejkim77: right.
irenejkim77: i would be, too.
irenejkim77: totally paranoid about what i eat.
bff@work: bcuz it's so much pressure! and so much upside if u are thin
bff@work: and we're regular sized
irenejkim77: bc everyone is a midget. In h-wood. a midget.
bff@work: like no paparazzi
irenejkim77: right. that's what i'm sayin.g
bff@work: agreed
irenejkim77: tori may not THINK she's ana. but she is.
bff@work: aha! understood
irenejkim77: total paradigm shift.
bff@work: like our ana is her normal
bff@work: her ana is like, dead
irenejkim77: HAHA made me laugh.