Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bad Names

Now that I am expecting a little baby, I’ve thought long and hard about names and what it could mean for the future of this little bean inside me. I loosely believe that your name shapes who you become…if you’re name is Jane, you’re likely to be plain. If you’re name is Bella, you’re likely to be pretty. If you’re name is Irene, you’re likely to be an 86 year old Caucasian grandmother or a 30 something Korean woman (http://iwantpink.blogspot.com/2008/10/whats-in-korean-american-name.html). Your personality is partially shaped by how people treat you, and that treatment begins when you tell them your name. (Incidentally, my husband has a really cool name, hence why I think he’s the coolest person I know).

Anyhoo - I always play the “what’s the worst name in the world” game with my friends. Try it! It’s a fun game. My friend Jen knows someone whose name is Dick Hurlbutt. Another friend knows someone whose name is Sukdik Pengosticles. No, seriously. Say that out loud. Whisper it if you are at work but just say it out loud. It’s impossible not to crack up, right?

But I was reminded of the worst name ever when I was watching a re-run of Paula Deen’s Home Cooking the other day. She had Deirdre and Albert Pujols (he’s, like, a really famous baseball player) on the show and she introduced them, in her over the top Southern accent, as “Dee Dee and Albert POO HOLES”.

Yuck! Totally ruined the show for me! POO HOLES!