Monday, May 21, 2007

the bike lane is for bikers

one thing that really bothers me is when ppl walk in the bike lane. as if we don't have other things to worry about such as car doors, road raging cab drivers, and billowing truck fumes. oh, and bug in eye is also a good one. i could go on forever.

ppl are in such a hurry to get places in nyc. so much so that they need to shave .005% of travel time to their daily commute and leak over to areas that are not designated as their own. stay on the sidewalk! there are only, like 3 bike lanes in all of nyc. can't the bikers keep them? sheesh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

remember that time your best friend got HIT by a bike because she was hailing a cab in the bike lane?? yeah...